
Time Travelling Part 0 - Begin The Journey

       Universe has infinite possibilities    As we see the night sky, stars, sun and moon. we observe and feel their presence and then we start thinking about it and many Question comes in our mind, that how they are made, how they all works systematic, and how they all are circular in shapes and follows circular path, how universe made and how its work ?  When we start thinking  some of our thoughts end up as the earth atmosphere ends, while some of our thoughts goes beyond in Universe geometry, its dimensions its working and super nova, Black holes, Galaxies etc.                 Johannes Kepler Scientist like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Einstein change the way of our thinking about the universe. All the scientist gave us lot of laws and scientific concept in different fields, which help us to relate all concepts and to think forward. Its depend on our self, that how we use this laws and principles,  either to pass exams  OR  to discover somethi

Cam and Follower Mechanical Notes

  WELCOME to PKmindworld, Here  are proper notes of (KOM) subject - topic Cam and follower.                 Cam and Follower Cam-   Cam is a rotating mechanical part used to provide rotating, reciprocating or oscilating motion to other part attached with it.   this other part is called follower. the easy example is shown in  diagram.                  cam & follower figure.                1) Cams are widely used in automatic machines, IC engines for open or closing the valves. 2) Cams & follower make point contact between them (as shown above)  therefore they come in Higher pair.    basically the main function of cam follower in IC engines is to control the inlet & outlet valves, in easy language the procedure of supplying fuel or ejecting gas from piston cyclinder is done with the help of cam & follower.  or it can be used in other machines where oscilation and reciprocating mechanism is required.                                    

How to smooth or boost the game in computer?

How to boost or smooth the games in computer? How to play game without Lag ? For computer/laptop users, it is seen that many PC high graphics games not run properly in computer. they sometime get hang,stop working or either run very slow which affect the game play. many games having suitable system requirments compare than your system can be easily play but if your hardware is not recomended than game will not be playable. basically the boost or quality of the game is depend on your system hardware. but the game which normally opens, but can not play smooth can be easily solved. Games are hang or fluctuate due to low graphics/video memory. the computer with having low graphics processor cannot handle the high resolution video or pixels it can handle only low resolution pixels or video. many gamers play game with high graphics quality even they have low graphics memory but they dont know why the game is hang. here all the work are of pixels lower the display/res

How to create folder without name in computer?

pkmindworld How to create folder without name? follow the steps- 1) Create new folder in hard disc (as your choice). 2) Then right click on new folder and click rename. 3) Then during renaming press and hold 'alt' key and type the code 255 on num keys, you get a folder  with name space or without name. No body can search your folder ♦See How to create Hidden folder in computer

How to clean the Computer Disc drives

Hard Disc Drives How to clean hard disc drives? How to delete unnecessary files in hard disc drives? Disc clean up. follow the steps- 1) open my computer then right click on the local disc (which you want to clean), a new window will open 2) then click on 'general' bar you will see a 'disc cleanup' option on centre right side. click on 'disc cleanup' a new window will open. 3) then on bottom left side you will see 'clean up system files' option click the option and click ok.    (delete the files if option will come and your disc will clean) Time traveling 0th Part Begin the journey

Time Travelling Part 1 - The Days Equation

Universe have infinite possibilities                                       (((( ( Introduction )))))   An equation by solving which we can calculate total time travel by a time traveller as he goes in past or in future.  According to our current technology it is not possible to travel in past, but many scientist gave their concepts and theories and many problems and paradoxes are seen like, nobody can travel faster than speed of light according to Einstein theory of relativity, Grand father paradox and generation of other Paradoxes, curved space time and gravity etc. So, now we starting our first Research output of  Research in time travelling Journey. its  " The Days Equation " on Nov, 2014                      Time Travelling             Its very easy to understand. Just a simple addition and subtraction.             ((((( equation ))))    Total time =  T[2n + d]    (days equation) here, T = time period(sec, hour, days, year,etc)